Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Mother of all crash will be here soon :)

The property crash is so near.

The gold crash has demonstrated what will happen when unreasonable speculative bubble bursts. The results is all there to see. Gold has easily lost 1/3 of its value in a matter of 1 year. Although personally I believe gold may not fall much from here ( 2300 per gm Indian price), I expect property market to fall like a pack of cards.

Do not underestimate greedy,cunning Indians of today's age. They are not like people 2 decades back. If crash comes, it will be ruthlessly play out as Indians are ready to do anything to make money nowadays. Especially after the new economic policy (wrongly attributed to 'not fit to be clerk' MMS).

In internet age the crash can be huge.


  1. Mangoman, your site is one of the few on the Internet where reason and sense are actually on display. However, did not understand what you mean by "If crash comes, it will be ruthlessly play out as Indians are ready to do anything to make money nowadays."

    How can one make money from the coming RE crash? Is there any way to short the RE market??

    Also, how do you think the crash will play out in terms of government response?

    Your valuable insights appreciated.

  2. Hi Anony,

    No way to short RE market except trying to short some RE companies. But given their business model, they are already trading at their lower end of valuation.

    So, I am also thinking how are we going to make money on RE crash.

    Indians will actually actuentuate the fall by keeping away from RE. That is what I meant.

    Government cannot do much as we exhausted all our options but now there is a hope in form of gold and oil price decrease. But then we need to see the liquidity also.
